Friday, January 23, 2009


Surely God will see me through.

When I feel like I am dealing with garbage being thrown at me from every which way, I can believe that I will be buried in it, or that I will be able to walk away with my head held high.

God is letting me go through this dark time of temptation so that I can choose him. I have a chance to see what it is like to have victory over my flesh! God is growing me. This is an experience that I can draw on in times to come. I have been looking at this situation as if I were already defeated..but I can hold God's hand and come out stronger than ever.

What are you going through right now that you have accepted in your life? You know it's not God's best, but it's "ok for now"? See it for what it is..playing with fire.

God does not want you to settle for mediocre, and he doesn't want half of your devotion or effort. Give Him everything so that he can give you all that he has for you.

I come to you, Father, in repentance, for lusting after what the world has to offer. I ask you to restore me to a place where my heart is aligned with yours, that your dreams may be my dreams, and your boundaries a safe place that I may take comfort in. Teach me to lean wholly on you. I thank you that you discipline those who love you, God. I need your discipline so badly, God. Thank you that you do not leave me to sit comfortably in my sin. I thank you for the unrest that you have caused in me lately. It is physically painful to be separate from you. Thank you for loving me so very much. Help me God, to push through the feelings of loneliness and to see a future that you will cause to prosper if only I will walk in your footsteps. Help me, God, to choose life, and not the ways that lead to death. In the name of the One and Only, my Lord, my love, Jesus. Yeshua.


Diane Meyer said...

Praying your prayer with you for us both. Love you, my sistah.

Edie said...

Amen. Love you Angela. He will carry you.

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Oh sweet Angela. I have so been where you are. Your repentant and contrite heart is a beautiful sight in the eyes of our Father. What a beautiful girl you are.

Sitesx6 said...

I love you in a sister in Christ kind of way (even though we have never met)....I just want to tell you to flee from what is not good for you...flee from what might drag you down and away from God....the more you are around a person who you have feelings for, the harder it is to not pursue them.

The RIGHT person , WILL COME ALONG, the Godly, perfect for you person, that God has picked out for you. Hold firm, stay strong, have courage, stay close to the LORD.


Jennifer said...

Amen. I'm so proud of you! God, will honor heart. Wow, what a plan He must have for you! Eph 2:10

Jennifer said...

*Sorry! There shouldn't be a comma after God*

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Hello again, wanted you to know I have something for you at my place...come see. :-)

Kathy Schwanke said...

Your transparency is truly beautiful and God-glorifying!