Sunday, November 9, 2008

Memory Verses

Hebrews 12:11

All discipline, for the moment, seems not to be joyful but sorrowful. Yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

I am going to be attempting to memorize a Scripture verse every week. Hebrews 12:11
was my first. It goes along with what I am trying to do: live a structured, goal- oriented life. I have been working on a "life plan". I got the idea from Lysa TerKeurst's book "Living Life on Purpose". Lysa helps us to examine how to live our lives as the Proverbs 31 woman lived; with a clear focus on God and a life lived to be purposeful and effectual; with good time-management, clear-set goals, and fruitful tasks. She takes us through each area of life: our relationship with God, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend, as the keeper of the home, as a good steward; and makes us think about how we are living in this arena versus how God says we should be living. I am really enjoying the book so far and am excited to keep reading.

Some of my goals are to enroll in a college class (just to ease back in), to create and stick by a budget, to exercise regularly, to stop wasting time on television and the computer (blog is still okay, it's just the amount of time I WASTE online). I make a schedule that includes me getting up earlier to have a longer time with God, and throwing in blocks of time for tasks I need to get done but may have been putting off. I am not doing the greatest job sticking to it so far, but it is a start and I plan to keep at it; because, hey, something done is better than nothing done, right?

One of my accomplished goals was to sponsor a Compassion child, which I did after staying posted to Melanie's(aka Big Mama) Dominican Compassion trip. Her name is Lady (I think it is pronounced "Lah-dee") and she is a twelve-year old living in Ecuador. I sent her a quick e-mail note saying I was so glad to be her friend, and I can't wait to get my first letter. What is a meal out to me can provide so much for her. Also, it is such a good opportunity to show Christ's love for her. Now she knows that there IS someone who cares about her. I didn't choose her myself, I let them match me with someone who had been waiting a long time, and I asked God to give me someone with whom I could have an awesome relationship. I didn't know which country or anything. That made it exciting. It is neat because I speak a passable amount of Spanish so that will be helpful. I will keep you all updated on her.

So the reason I started this post with a memory verse is because I have a favor/fun idea to ask you. If you have a verse that you have memorized or holds special meaning to you, will you either post it on your site or send it over here, and if you want I can do the same. I need to memorize more Scripture, and you all always have good ideas! We can even memorize verses together, if you want! It is so important to store God's word in your heart. It is the sword of the Spirit, and can cut down the negative things that fly at us in daily life. Even the one little verse I memorized has really had an impact on me this week. Seriously. God's word is POWERFUL and LIFE-GIVING. I need more of it. So help me out. Love you.


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

What a wonderful way to bless someone through Compassion. I'm sure Big Mama will be overwhelmed when you tell her about it. I also admire your positive spirit about getting your ducks in a row, so to speak. You are such a blessing to every blog I visit where you have commented; you are always an encourager and uplifter. Have a blessed week.

Toknowhim said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today. I have had a few visitors in their late 20's... I call you all "little sweet things" because I am about 10 years older, and you all seem so young.

I think it is wonderful that you are memorizing scripture. For God's Word is living and active, and It changes us.


mariel said...

Great, inspiring post! I am always striving to memorize more Scripture. I like to write what I am memorizing on an index card and carry it around, so I can glance at it every chance I get through out the day.

Stephanie said...

Hey Angela,
thanks for your comment on my blog. :)
God has been teaching me a lot, but I think the reason I needed the break was because I was starting to feel stressed out about posting...not sure why, but the break was good. :) I think I'll be posting a little less than before, but hopefully good content!

That's awesome that you've started Scripture memory! I hope it goes well and that you persevere in it! Blessings!

Pinkshoelady said...

Hey Girl!
It has been a while but I am surfing again.
Still more Dr. appointments but I am better and able to visit.

I have one for you it is a little unique....2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV best trans for full effect. THough all of them are good.
I want to mirror Jesus' glory!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

::::::: Romans 13:10 ::::::::::

... Love is the fulfillment of the law.

-----Apostle Paul

Edie said...

Hey Angela! I'm so sorry, I had come by and thought I had left a comment in here and now it's not there. Not sure what I did wrong.

What a great goal to memorize scripture like that. I was thinking today that I need to start doing that with my grandaughters.

OK - Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not for I am with thee. Be not afraid for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee. I will uphold thee with my righteous right hand.

Love your new picture!

Edie said...

Hi Angela! I have something for you. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. :D