Thursday, November 13, 2008


Getting all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Scared. Please pray that I don't die. Ouch. Maybe I'll post something while I'm under the influence. Ha ha.


Edie said...

Praying for you Angela. When are you doing this? I'll be sure to read THAT post! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ouch .... Post under the influence!! That would be fun. The girl who runs the "She Worships" blog did that once and it made her post more interesting somehow. Hope you are doing OK after all that teeth pullage (I will pray that you will find creative ways to eat between now and when the pain goes away and you can chew again).

Edie said...

Hey Angela ~ Just checking in to see how you're doing.

Lord I pray that Angela's dental visit went well and without complications. Please bring her quick and complete recovery. In Christ ~ Amen.

Angela said...

Edie and Bradley-
I am doing well. I am on 3 types of meds so I am just drowsy but unfortunately I am not hallucinating, so there goes the fun post. My face is a little swollen, but I am not in much pain. Thanks for checking in on me! I am really really sick of tv. Also, there is this word finding game on Facebook called Scramble and I have become addicted. Stupid cabin fever.