Friday, August 22, 2008

Isaiah 43 ... Verse 1

Isaiah 43
Israel's Only Savior
1 But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

There is so much that I love in this chapter of Isaiah. Verse one speaks to me, because I identify so much with being redeemed.
re·deem (r-dm)
tr.v. re·deemed, re·deem·ing, re·deems
1. To recover ownership of by paying a specified sum.
2. To pay off (a promissory note, for example).
3. To turn in (coupons, for example) and receive something in exchange
4. To fulfill (a pledge, for example
5. To convert into cash: redeem stocks.
6. To set free; rescue or ransom.
7. To save from a state of sinfulness and its consequences.See Synonyms at save1.
8. To make up for: The low price of the clothes dryer redeems its lack of special features.
9. To restore the honor, worth, or reputation of: You botched the last job but can redeem yourself on this one.

He loves us more than we can fathom. We can trust him. He has kept his word, fulfilled his promise, set us free, and restored our honor. He alone is worthy to be praised.
Jesus is the love of my life. I know that no one will ever know me as well and love me so completely as he does. I now know what people mean when they say they are "in love" with Jesus, because I find myself with that faraway look in my eyes, and that slight smile playing on my lips as I go through my day, and we share things, he and I. He has won my heart, because he is a million times better than any hero in any story. He died. For me. He is jealous for me. He wants only the best for me. He fights my enemies. He restores my honor. He provides for even my smallest prayers. He is listening. He is speaking to me through his word, and through other people. He died. For you. He is jealous for you. He wants only the best for you.He fights your enemies. He restores your honor. He provides for even your smallest prayers. He is listening. He is speaking to you through his word, and through other people. He loves us. Do you love him?


jeleasure said...

Good words.
Have you given consideration to how we have our relationship with God?

Jennifer said...

That was a great post! How amazing that the God of the universe loves us so much! I love the song too! I have never heard it before, but I love Kari Jobe. Her "Revelation Song" is the best! Great post!

Angela said...

I think the relationship comes as any other does, through mutual investment in each other, getting to know him, spending time with each other, going through things together. Of course the scale is completely unbalanced in this situation!
This is not the normal style of music I usually listen to, but the reverence and adoration in it really touch me, not to mention Kari's voice! I'm so glad you like it!

Penn Tomassetti said...

Amen. I can honestly say, "I love Jesus." It isn't because I did anything to get into this relationship. On the contrary, I hated God and His Son by living in rebellion to His word. But He first loved me (1 John 4:10), and He made me to be born again so that I also have this love that comes from Him (1 John 4:7). Love is the gift of God, not the decision of my sinful will. He loved me first, I love Him as a new creature in Christ. Praise the Lord! Nice song by Kari, I like it now that I've heard it.

Angela said...

I think our love is a reaction to being loved, also. First and foremost out of gratefulness, and lately, it's weird, as I read about things Jesus did during his time on earth, I have been just weeping. When people were mean to him, or when he was sad, it hurts. It is, I have realized, me viewing him as someone I know personally, to whom bad things happened. That is awesome to me because it means my faith is growing. I know that God can give us an outpouring of love for others, but to love him is why he gave us free will, isn't it?

Joshua D. McMahon said...

The redemption of the Lord is to that life which we formerly could not live. Now we can. Live holy, live just like Jesus. I'm blown away by that. And in that I have not lived according to the capacity that faith in Christ Jesus requires of me in any area of my life, as I confess those things, He is faithful and just to forgive my sins. That God gives us Christians the opportunity to sorrow a godly sorrow unto repentance for those things we have done after knowing Him is a miracle. That's what Isaiah 43:1 is about. They knew Him, and disobeyed. It is the glory of God to redeem His people from their sin.
You didn't mean to, but you reminded me of how the Lord saved me tonight. Thank you.

Edie said...

Wow I love the comments that this post generated. I love what Joshua said, "You didn't mean to, but you reminded me of how the Lord saved me tonight." That is Awesome!

"I just want to wait on you my God. I just want to dwell on who you are." That is what my heart sings out to Christ. Yes I am madly in love with Jesus, My King.

Loved this Angela!