I am still working at the same place, though I am not enjoying it much. The thing that keeps me there is the people that I have been fortunate enough to form relationships with. I want to be there for them, and my biggest desire is that they would let God take over and transform their lives. I am getting a little discouraged, because people that seemed interested in going to church have backed off and seem content to stay where they're at. Amanda, a girl who was in our Bible study, had surgery, and now after a few weeks of not spending any real time on her relationship with God, her cursing is back in full force. And it's not like she's slipping, cause she doesn't notice it anymore. Adam, who used to apologize if he cursed around me, now screams the f word thirty times a day and doesn't care at all if I am around or not. I just don't know why things are changing.
The feelings I had for Guy at Work are diminished again, I am reading in Breaking Free how to take steps to make our thoughts obedient to Christ..and it is a continual process..removing lies and replacing them with Truth. Like the truth that if I gave in and kissed him, that would be taking away from the intimacy I want to devote solely to my husband. I don't really even talk to him anymore; which is helping. I want to be nicer, but I have to guard my heart here. I believe that God has a man for me. I want a godly relationship. There is no acceptable alternative. God has given us guidelines for marriage, and he must be in the center of any relationship for it to work the way it is meant to. I honestly didn't know if I would ever get married; I felt like I wasted so much time on the wrong kind of relationships; but I do believe that God has that for me. Especially since Llewelyn prophesied it for me in a comment on this post. I thought that was pretty cool. However, if I don't end up getting married, it's because God has something else for me. I would rather be alone and glorifying God than married to someone who wouldn't encourage me to live for Christ.
I went to Beckley, West Virginia this weekend to a wedding reception for my friend Tiffany. She actually didn't know I was coming, because it was a small affair mostly for family and very close friends (we've only know each other a few months). I happen to know her sister-in-law because she comes into the restaurant frequently and she and I struck up a friendship when her husband was going being deployed. Her husband is back in the States, now, but was unable to attend the wedding because he was participating in "The Twelve Tribes of Israel" which was a mens' church retreat. So, Angie asked me to go in his stead. I took a couple days to think it over, and then thought it would be fun to get to know her better, it would be fun to take a road trip, and it would be awesome to see Tiffany since she recently got a real job and I don't see her everyday anymore. I had a blast; Angie's son Jake is 4 and he is hilarious and so cute, and he kept us entertained the whole time. The drive was gorgeous. The leaves are starting to turn, and we drove through the mountains..how beautiful! I had a great time.
My mom graduated Nursing School in May, and just got a job working at a Nursing Home as an RN. The place is two miles from her house, which is great. I think she'll really like it there. They have a dog and a cat that wander around the place, which I think is neat. I know she will love those old people.
Will you all please pray for my coworkers and bosses? Pray for God to speak to their hearts, and work circumstances in their lives so that they would turn to him. Pray for the enemy to be turned back and scattered, and rendered completely ineffective. Pray, please, for my boss John. He says he doesn't believe in God. A man came up to us the other day and handed us tracts printed on fake million dollar bills, and I smiled and told him I was already a Christian. John smiled at him, but when the man turned away John tore up the tract, and got really red and flustered, saying that he hated to be preached to. John's kids go to Christian school. There is something in his past that has fostered that violent reaction, I'm sure.
Well, that's all for now, folks.
Here's Joshua:
All things work together for God for those who love God and are called according to his purpose and the path of the Just shines brighter and brigher unto a perfect day. Tk ker...
Hi Angela,
I see you have been busy celebrating. Are you still up for meeting Vicki and myself?
Let us know at what entrance.
Socrates- Thanks for your prayer earlier.Sorry I didnt send one back, I was kind of rushing this morning
Jim- I will prob be at church this week but my friend in No Va is having a bday and I haven't heard from her about plans yet so I will have to let you know. Church is Saturday night at 6. I'm assuming you remember how to get there! If you have other offers please feel free to take them, because we can do church any time! I'll let you know as soon as I find out!
Oh Joshua is SO cute!
I know I'm not pregnant but can I have some of that Fried Mac n Cheese!? Mmmm that sounds good. How do you make it?
I'll be praying about your job situation (I so understand) and for your coworkers and bosses. It takes time for new believers. They take a few steps and Satan puts up obstacles. Sadly, most people are lovers of self. When God is convenient then they are willing to take steps, but when effort is required ... well, you see what happens. It takes God to move in their hearts.
I knew you would work through your romance decisions with God out front. It really is worth it. That being said, I am REALLY ready to go home. This place is wearing on me. Love ya!
Cute baby! I'll be praying for your job and the people that you're building relationships with. (Or trying to.)
I know how hard it can be to stick it out in a job that you're not crazy about...God moved me out in the right timing and I know He'll do the same for you. Love ya!
O.k., Angela. Keep us abreast of what is going on. Vicki and I are looking forward to meeting you at the R.O.C. and going for dessert.
We know where to go. When we were there before, the service was held in the gym. You will have to give us a specific place to meet.
Jim and Vicki
Beckley is really close to where I grew up (I grew up in Bluefield VA).
Thanks for the prayers, guys! Edie, if I find a recipe for the mac and cheese I will send it to you! Love you girls!
O.k. Angela. Vicki and I will see you at 5:55 on Saturday at the R.O.C..
You guys are getting ready to host a big concert; says my friend Jim Hearing, from American Family Radio.
See you Saturday. What kind of desert place are you up for? Our treat. I think we feel pretty safe that you are not an internet stalker;) That's a joke. Of course we are apprehensive. That's a joke too.
Jim and Vicki.
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